Flow Arts Fringe

Monday Schedule: 11/29/21

Intro to Fans - Luna (Kay)

Intro to Fans learning the basics and finding your funky flow!

I am a disabled fire spinner, learning how to uniquely hone my craft. I think something every beginner should know is that it’s all about having fun, the more you relax and let yourself enjoy it the quicker you will pick it up ♡

Bubble Rap- Golly G The Bubble Wiz

Hello! My name is Galen also known as Golly G. I am a bubble wizard. I love to blow minds as well as tell tales with the beautiful bubbles that I blow so well! I have dedicated the last 15 years of my life to exploring this fun and fickle medium. This journey has given me and many others so much joy over the years especially in the flow community where my bubbles are truly accepted and given a home to flourish.

My introduction to the flow community was through my love of Poi and Staff… Then came the rabbit hole that is Juggling & eventually my bubbling was considered A flow art since there are tons of slick tricks one can learn. For several years I was given an opportunity to demonstrate these magical foamy feats at my favorite flow festival ever. Pacific Fire Gathering!!!

My Bubble Lounge was located by the fire circle and was welcomed with open arms by the community. I was later invited to do Fire Drums by my friend Kevin A. to do the same thing except for this time I teamed up with my friend Jesse J. to create a fire circle side art zone where he would curate an interactive painting zone that was attached to my Bubble Lounge. I believe low-impact activities are important for these festivals because not everyone is in the right mind or body to spin a prop at any given time. I like to create a safe space for people to create.

In the world of flow, it’s important to know there’s no limit to how far you can go. It’s all up to your own dedication and motivation to be better and learn. Figuratively and literally the only thing that gets in the way of learning a new flow Art Is You! Prepare to hit yourself a lot! But you cannot give up you have to keep trying because mastery is only obtained by repetition and committing to the practice.


Marvin was born and raised in Borneo, Malaysia and spent the other half of his life in Los Angeles. Now he resides somewhere in Portland. He found object manipulation in 2007 and got into juggling in 2012.

Tuesday Schedule: 11/30/21

Sober Flow Arts-Venus De Hooplah

Molly, a.k.a Venus de Hooplah, is the founder of Sober Flow Arts who provides a safe commUNITY both online and in-person for those who seek to share the healing power of movement sober.

Molly has overcome shyness and lack of confidence through her hula hoop practice. The hoop first acts as a judgment-free dance partner and quickly becomes an extension of the body, unlocking infinite possibilities.

Although Molly was first introduced to a hula hoop 8 years ago, her journey through sobriety allowed her to feel like a beginner again and tap into all the creative possibilities for self-discovery through the hula hoop portal.

In the workshop, Molly fuses values of sobriety such as self-awareness, gratitude, and leading from the heart with hula hoop dance.

Today, Molly is pursuing her performance career in the flow arts which seems like a wild crazy concept, but she wants to inspire others to pursue their passions!

Intro to Dragonstaff- Finlay Stewart

My name is Finlay and I’ve been a fire and Led spinner for over a decade, and am one of the Teachers with the Pioneer Valley Movement Collective. I stumbled across Flow Arts as a martial artist that always loved the art side of martial arts, and found a new love. When first starting flow arts – your first day with a prop should be mostly playing, and your second day, mostly working/learning.

All Level Kendama Workshop- KendaMex

We are KendaMex! We represent the kendama community in Mexico. We want to inspire more people in the juggling community to pick up kendama and play!

Wednesday Schedule: 12/1/21

The Fire Saftey Project - Michael LaHood

An Orientation to Fire Safe Community – part beginner fire science, part community building, part narrative empowerment.

I want to offer a class that will allow beginners to grasp safe practices but will also engage intermediate participants in thinking of fire safety as community work, and empower intermediate and advanced performers to be creative in their teaching and advocacy – meeting people where they are, and setting lasting community norms.

Battle Night! - Kevin Axtell

This is a live, Virtual Club Juggling competition with a similar format to B-Boy dance battles.

Thursday Schedule: 12/2/21

Fire Burn Cauldron Bubble - Fire Magick

We will offer a witchy live podcast show about Fire Magick, the transformational power of fire and flow state. We will discuss why we named our performance company Fire Magick, how we incorporate magick and ritual into our creative process and live performances, and how you can also infuse your practice with more magick!

Finding Flow as a Beginner Hooper - Michelle Multiverse

Finding your flow as a beginner. This will encompass beginner tricks as well as intuitive connection with your hoop. Who says a good flow sesh is made only of technical tricks? This workshop inspires connected movement from heart to circle, soul to flow. How can your movement tell a story or unlock a chamber deep within?

Friday Schedule: 12/3/21

Intro to Contact Staff and Contact Saber - The Swinging Dragon

My name is Finlay and I’ve been a fire and LED spinner for over a decade, and am one of the Teachers with the Pioneer Valley Movement Collective.

I stumbled across Flow Arts as a martial artist that always loved the art side of martial arts, and found a new love. When first starting flow arts – your first day with a prop should be mostly playing, and your second day, mostly working/learning.