Developing a Marketable Brand: Part 2

– Becoming aware of your target audiences

Once you found your shtick, begin doing research on what type of people would watch you on television or be eager to meet you in person. Who follows you on Instagram? Who comments on and likes your posts? This is your audience and your market. Think outside of the box here as well. You may be surprised at just how many people you appeal to.

Social media is also a great way to gauge the other interest of people that like you. Pay attention to details like music in common with those people, colors that represent them, other communities they are a part of, etc. Basically any detail, like, or interest that you identify with as well will act as a key to breaching their personal intrigue. This is linked to their memory and their motivations.

Use the data you have uncovered to enhance the quality of your brand. All of the information you have gathered will serve as a guide map for the best way to sell your brand to viewers and connoisseurs. These things can be helpful when putting out content that will catch the eye or ear of people that do not follow you but would be happy to.


– The Importance of Vulnerability

As stated before, vulnerability is the best way to keep your brand real and human. If you don’t want to become a trending fad that is soon to pass, this is mandatory. Be smart about integrating your life into your brand. As you learn lessons and your interest change, allow your brand to evolve with you. If you don’t, you can get stuck playing the same song you played when you meant it, but now that song is played out. This will suck the life out of your art.

Beware of just how much “Tea” you pour. Vulnerability can also give you the, ” she’s got too much baggage to go on more than 2 dates with” issue, so be careful not to spill the beans while they are still too hot. Let yourself come to understand who you are and what you are becoming. A certain sureness will grow in you as you realized what you have learned. At that time, integrating it into your image is a great idea.

Be consistent (scheduling content)

Part of your success in the modern age comes from invoking a desire for more of your content. The other part is being a reliable place for that desire to be sated. People are always looking for new stimuli. Once you know what audience is paying attention to you and you have decided what you want to show them and what they are receptive to, you can’t rightfully leave them hanging.

Share your image! Share your world. Keep a consistent posting schedule. Utilize technology that makes this easier. A good tool for posting is an app called Hootsuite. It can access most social media accounts remotely, and allow you to schedule post for dates and times of your choosing. This means you can plan out all of your post weeks in advance. Got a workshop coming up? Performing at a festival? You can set the app to post weekly or bi weekly about it. This does not mean you shouldn’t be posting in between.

Be on the lookout for good content. Make sure all of your post look aesthetically appealing. Symmetry (see the rule of thirds), depth, color, and subject even in the still of videos are some of the most compelling factors in whether someone positively receives your content or not. This is where you should be paying attention to detail. The manner in which your content is presented, and the quality of your content have a heavy impact on the way your image is perceived. Remember: “Your image is not you.” If it is depicted in a lackluster fashion, you risk not showing people the benefit of identifying with you.

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