FAI Tutsdays: Club Multiplex Tutorial

Jeremiah Johnston delivers a recap of this club tutorial from Pyrotrainia. From this video, you will learn how to throw a good multiplex. A multiplex is when you throw multiple clubs up into the air at the same time with one hand. So, if you throw two clubs up into the air with just your right hand, that’s a multiplex.

It’s important that you have the right grip. There are a couple different options, but this tutorial specifically introduces a staggered and stacked grip with the club closest to the L made by your thumb and pointer gripped about midway up the neck while gripping the second that is farthest away from the L at the very end of the neck very close to the knob. The stagger is very important. The bottom of the club closest to your L should almost reach the mid-tape of the second club.

When you throw them, you add just a little bit of flick from your wrist and a nice swing from your shoulder will give you the multiplex. Make sure the split is good. Your shoulder swing will give the club height, and the wrist flick will give the split and spin. It’s important to find the right balance between the two. Lots of shoulder will give you a lot of height, but the two clubs won’t split very well. Lots of wrist flick will give a large split between the clubs but not much height.

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