Prop storage – an ongoing battle of hooks, nails, drills, hammers, closets, and corners. Here’s a way to store your props with a relatively small footprint, while displaying them like the works of art they are!
Get ready for another hardware store trip, and start learning the employees’ names (not important for your build but it’ll make them smile, and that doesn’t cost you a thing!) You’ll need:
– 1x – pegboard sheet (4’x4′, have it cut in half to do a door-sized prop wall)
– 2x – 2″x1″ runners – you’ll need two per wall
– Screws – Long enough to hold your runners to the wall
– Nails – Long enough to hold your pegboard to the runners
– Pegboard hooks galore
– Handheld level
1. Drive a nail into your surface at the height you want your
pegboard hung at – hang your pegboard from that nail near the center, and make sure it’s level – mark across the top of theboard and all corners, so you have an outline for where your board is level
2. Drive a screw through the top corner of your runner, pinning it into the corner of your outline. Use your level to make sure it’s vertical, then pin the bottom down with a second screw. Add one or two more along the length of your runner
3. Lather, rinse, repeat for the second runner.
4. Nail your pegboard to the runners. Seriously. Just nail it up there.
Now throw some sticks on some
hooks and show your houseguests what priorities really are!
Comments 3
love the thought of putting ’em on the back of a door!
Thanks! Now I just need more doors…
I need help with organizing fans (3 pair), volcane, poi (2set), rope dart, umbrella, torches (3 pairs), and a fire belt