Undercutting Performers by Tina Lee. Photo by Sergio Zuniga.

If undercutting was an issue before COVID-19, what’s going to happen post pandemic?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about life in the performing arts business post pandemic, imagining the possible trends, and whether or not undercutting would become worse. During the 2018-2019 school year, I took a sabbatical from teaching high school English to be a performer full time. It was an incredible year, and I learned a lot of valuable lessons. …

Path to Flow

This article will approach the following feeling we all have in flow arts at one point in time along our time here in this temporal playing field of flow arts.   “I have all these skills and met all these people but still feel an emptiness inside” Manipulating objects, the training and drilling portion, usually occurs alone.   We find that …

Animals that are Secretly Ninjas

It’s true that humans can force animals to do amazing things in the circus and it’s impressive, yet sad. What’s more interesting are the animals that play with objects and other animals of their own accord. It speaks to the natural need to play for a healthy living style in animals and humans alike. Bear with a stick [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” …

Prop Storage: Great Walls of Fire

Prop storage – an ongoing battle of hooks, nails, drills, hammers, closets, and corners. Here’s a way to store your props with a relatively small footprint, while displaying them like the works of art they are! Materials Get ready for another hardware store trip, and start learning the employees’ names (not important for your build but it’ll make them smile, …

Definitions of Flow

  When we get into a conversation about the Flow Arts with others, things get muddied up quickly with off shooting conversations about exactly what we mean by the word flow. In the English language, like many words, flow has a many different meanings. So, in order to continue the larger discussion concerning flow and the Flow Arts, let’s first …