HUMANS of Flow Arts | Cassaundra Smyth

Cassaundra Smyth has been manipulating props for seven years, about as long as she has been in Cali, since moving away from her birthplace of Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Currently, Cassaundra lives at the Vulcan in Oakland. Having started her journey as a glow-stringer, Poi has been and still is Cassaundra’s gateway prop to the flow arts.  Nowadays, Cassaundra mostly juggles …

The Dark Side of Flow Arts

This article is adapted from Laura Riva’s article “The Dark Side of Dance Addiction” Thanks to April Choi for the adaptation. You can find the original Facebook note here. We love to call ourselves “Flow Artists” and performers that are one with our art. We’re even proud of it. We glorify flying to other continents to pursue our hobby. We see …

Tesla Tutting Tutorial Tutsday

Hello again, fine people of the Flow Arts. We are back with another exciting tutorial from the archive at the Flow Arts Institute! This week we have another FLAME festival feature shot and edited by the amazing Justin Kennedy of Three Eyes Illuminated, this time from Tesla! This 19 year old Confluence Liquid Battle top 16 competitor and winner of …